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Cancelation and Refund Policy

Most of the flight tickets, accommodations (hotels etc.), rental cars (pre-paid), vacation packages and the service fees that is levied on these products and services are non-refundable after 24 hours of making the booking. All cancelation requests are to be made over the phone only. Cancelation and refund requests are accepted only under the following circumstances:

  • When cancelation and refund is possible according to the fare rules
  • When a passenger is not a “no show.” A “no show” is a situation when the passenger does not board the flight, or is not available for boarding the flight on time, and does not inform the airline about the same.
  • When it might be possible for us to secure waivers from the suppliers.

All refund requests go through a process after which it is determined (by the supplier) whether they’re eligible for a refund or not. Once you make your cancelation request, you will receive an email from us notifying that your cancelation and refund request has been received by us. Please be informed that receiving this notification does not imply that you’ll get a refund. This is a type of acknowledgement of your cancelation and refund request. We also send you a cancelation reference ID in this email. Using this cancelation reference ID, you’ll be able to track the status of your cancelation and refund request. After we receive your cancelation and refund request, the cancelation and refund request would be forwarded to the supplier/s (airlines, hotels etc.). The decision of whether you are eligible for a refund or not is taken by the supplier. Whatever decision they make would be final. We do not have any say in that. The service fees levied by us on the respective bookings is non-refundable.

After a refund gets approved by the supplier/s, it may take a few more days for the amount to be credited to your payment system (credit card/bank account). A cancelation and refund fee is usually charged by the supplier while providing a refund to a customer. The whole cancelation and refund process might take anywhere between 60 - 90 days. In addition to the suppliers’ cancelation and refund fee, we (Travelopick) may also charge a post-ticketing service fee wherever applicable. The cancelation and refund fees are levied on the basis of per passenger, per ticket. This cancelation and refund fee would be levied in instances where a refund has been granted by the supplier/s.